Julian Batchelor's public liability insurance - or lack of it - FNDC criminally negligent?
This is the application to occupy a portion of the road that FNDC omitted to provide - not hard to see why they didn't want to release it - note the blank space where the information regarding the public liability insurance is supposed to be recorded in the top portion of this form, and referred to in paragraph nine - Kaitiaki o Opourua sent the following email to Alice Astell of the Far North District Council legal department this morning, so far there has been no response. This post will be updated when a response is received. Tena koe Alice, This document you provided yesterday, the Application for Licence to occupy a portion of the road dated 24/08/2013, refers to "red lines" and "yellow areas" yet you have supplied a black and white copy - please forward a colour copy of this document without delay - and all information regarding the public liability insurance in the names of the Licensee and Licensor which is referred to in the top p...